2 min read

Use Dynamic Imports in Your SharedComponents MicroFrontend App

Use Dynamic Imports in Your SharedComponents MicroFrontend App
Photo by Andrik Langfield / Unsplash

The SharedComponent in a MicroFrontend plays a crucial role as it manages and provides common or reusable components across different applications. Therefore, having a well-defined strategy for building, exporting, and importing these components is essential. Without proper management, the bundle size can gradually increase over time, leading to performance issues and slower application load times. By optimizing how shared components are handled, you can ensure efficient resource usage and maintain a fast, scalable application.

Let’s say we have an application called AdminApp, and we want to use a shared component named CustomButton. As we know can simply import it using:

The problem is not here, but in the SharedComponents it self, how are we exporting that CustomButton?

If you are doing like that, then we are making a BIG MISTAKE

It would include the entire code of the component inside the final bundle, and if you export more component like that, this leads to unnecessary bloat and increased load times.

Instead, a better approach is to split the shared components and load them only when required. This way, we optimize performance, reduce the initial bundle size, and ensure that each microfrontend loads only the dependencies it truly needs.

This approach ensures that the component’s code is properly split from the main bundle.

Again and very important: by dynamically loading only the required components, we keep the bundle size optimized, improving application performance load times.

And finally in Vuejs this is how can import that Component

In upcoming articles, I will dive deeper into this topic and explore advanced optimization techniques for handling larger components that can be deferred for even greater performance improvements.